Mongolia Homestay Program

Washington REALTORS® is hosting a 2024 homestay program for our Mongolia Ambassador Association Real Estate Academy of Mongolia!

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Interested in Becoming a Host?

What to Expect...

Participation in the program involves a total of 6 participants from Mongolia and 6 hosts who are members of WR. To join as a host, WR members are required to complete an application here for review by WR Staff and the NAR Global Coordinator for Asia/Pacific. Host assignments will be communicated by March 30th. If you are interested in participating as a host, kindly submit your application at the provided link.

The program spans a total of 3-4 nights, commencing with airport hotel pick-up on April 13th in the morning and concluding with drop-off at the WR conference hotel in Tacoma on either the evening of April 16th or the morning of April 17th, depending on participants' schedules. From April 17th to 19th, Mongolian guests will actively participate in the Spring Business Conference. An optional excursion is scheduled for April 20th-21st, during which the group will collectively explore Seattle. Various day group activities, such as visits to the capital, Department of Licensing (DOL), and interactions with Washington state legislators, will be organized in advance by hosts and WR. Additionally, a pre-event orientation will be conducted via Zoom a few weeks before the in-person meeting. For any questions, please contact Liz Garcia

Submit Your Application Here!

Washington REALTORS® is hosting a 2024 homestay program for our Mongolia Ambassador Association Real Estate Academy of Mongolia! As part of our global efforts and partnership, we are providing an opportunity for our Mongolian ambassador association members to experience the daily life of REALTORS® in the US and for US REALTORS® to understand the importance of Washington REALTORS® global efforts.

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