Events Calendar

Death, Divorce and Disgruntled Clients

Would you like to spend a few hours discussing super-fun, upbeat, exciting topics? If so, then you don't want to miss this class! We will discuss the always exhilarating trifecta of: death, divorce and disgruntled clients! Okay ... so maybe the topics don't sound super-fun but won't it be fun to know how to handle the title issues when your client needs to sell grandma's house, now that grandma has passed? Wouldn't you like to know what to say to the buyer who tells you that he/she is ready to purchase and the divorce will be final in a month or two? How fun would it be to know what to say to that buyer (or buyer's agent) who calls you after closing to tell you that the refrigerator is missing and you owe them a new fridge? In this class, we will discuss all of these topics and arm you with the knowledge to handle these situations professionally, with a confident smile, putting your client (and you) at ease.

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