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Seattle King County REALTOR® Day

Help iMiracleProject and the people of Ukraine by donating Medical Supplies through Amazon Smile. You can have them mailed directly to our office or set up a time to drop off at:
733 7th Ave 202 
Kirkland, WA. 98033 


As of today, iMiracleProject is working on a project-to-project basis, and once the war in Ukraine is over, their main mission will be rebuilding pediatric cancer hospitals. 
Founder, Serge Bagdasarov, defeated stage 3 brain cancer in 2003, and his story has been inspiring the world since. Now with everyone's help, we’ll create many more 
miraculous stories and make this world a better place.

When you donate to iMiracleProject, your donation goes directly to:
· transporting civilians out of danger zones to safety
· providing medical supplies, food, and basic necessities
· coordinating 200+ volunteers with ongoing local fundraising projects